investing in gemstones - emeraldinvesting in gemstones - emerald

Buying Gems for Profit: An Introduction

Successful investing in gemstones requires knowledge and experience. The IGS Buying Gems for Profit course will give you the knowledge about the gem trade you need.

2 Minute Read

Referring to gems as "investments" can be difficult. Most educated dealers are reluctant to use that term for a very good reason. The overwhelming majority of people who buy gems with the intention of selling them for a profit actually lose money. If you want to become the exception to that rule and join the few who do make money investing in gemstones, you need two things more than anything else: knowledge and experience. The International Gem Society's Buying Gems for Profit course will give you the knowledge.
investing in gemstones - emerald
Jewelers frequently need gemstones to create the pieces their customers request. As an investor in gemstones, you may be able to sell your gems at a profit to jewelers, but there's much to learn about the gem trade first. Trillion-shaped emerald, 6.97 cts, Colombia. Photo courtesy of and Royal Treasures Warehouse LLC.

Investing in Gemstones

The purpose of this course isn't to make you an expert gem investor. This course won't teach you how to go out tomorrow and double your money. Investing in gems isn't a get-rich-quick scheme. Rather, this course will educate you on the marketplace for gems, which will allow you to make more informed decisions about gem investments. More importantly, you'll learn what type of specialized knowledge you need in order to be successful. Finally, this course will give you a map of the professional gemstone trade and some advice about how and where to get started.

Basic Investment Principles: Unit 1

Before investing in any type of asset, you must understand basic investment principles. Just like investing in stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, investing in gemstones requires knowing how much risk you're willing to assume, as well as your goals for obtaining a return on your investment — your profit goals. You'll need to figure out your investment time horizon (or "holding period") and how much money you may need to get started. Unit 1 covers these principles.

Interested in this topic?

This article is also a part of our Buying Gems for Profit Mini Course, in the unit Basic Investment Principles.

Gemstones as Investment Vehicles: Unit 2

After an overview of basic investment principles, you'll dive into gemstones as investment vehicles in Unit 2. The supply and demand for a specific gemstone affects the gemstone's price, and thus your potential profit or loss. Supply and demand, as well as pricing, are inextricably linked to a gemstone's rarity, both now and in the future. Rarity or "perceived scarcity" is a critical component of any gemstone investment. The prevalence of lab-grown gems in today's market has made assessing the issue of rarity an especially interesting topic.

Gemstone Market Dynamics: Unit 3

Once you understand how gemstones might serve as investment vehicles, you need to learn about broader gemstone market dynamics. In Unit 3, you'll explore the existing types of gemstone markets. Each type of market offers advantages and disadvantages, and you'll meet people playing many different roles.

Negotiation Skills and Investing in Gemstones: Unit 4

When you find gemstones you'd like to purchase, you'll have to negotiate. Sharp negotiation skills are a must in the gem trade. In Unit 4, you'll gain insights and learn tips and tricks to use in any gemstone negotiation so you'll have a cost basis low enough to ensure a return on your investment.

Selling Your Gemstones: Unit 5

Finally, the time will come to sell your gemstones. How long should you hold your investment stones to ensure a return? What are the best sales platforms? How do you market and price your stones? Unit 5 will answer these questions.

Expert Interviews

The Buying Gems for Profit course concludes with interviews with some of the most prominent gem dealers in the trade. Their knowledge and experience will prove invaluable for new entrants to the market.

International Gem Society

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