Jake Talve-Goodman, GG

Jake Talve-Goodman GG serves the St. Louis, Missouri community as a gemologist, designer, and appraiser. His passion for gemstones and minerals began at an early age of 8 after finding a significant crystal specimen in the playground of his elementary school. After graduating from the Gemological Institute of America with the Graduate Gemologist designation, he spent years working for private boutique jewelers and inside of a gemological laboratory inspecting salvaged jewelry items for repair and resale from the insurance industry.

Today, Jake operates The Concierge Gemologist, a professional jewelry service that meets clients in the comfort of their own home, around their banker’s desk, or lawyer’s office. The Concierge Gemologist provides appraisals according to the standards defined by the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) to ensure the highest degree of service in the industry.

Articles by Jake Talve-Goodman, GG

GemEx iLoupe Review

GemEx iLoupe Review

How does the GemEx iLoupe compare to a standard jeweler’s loupe? Our review tests the device and app, designed for...
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Gem, Mineral, and Rock Scanner Identification Apps Review

Gem, Mineral, and Rock Scanner Identification Apps Review

How accurate are gem, mineral, and rock scanner identification apps? Our review covers the strengths and weaknesses of over 20...
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Tips and Tricks To Buy Diamonds Online2-carat oval brilliant cut center diamond</a> stands out among diamond accents along the shank and milgrain details. © Blue Nile" src="" decoding="async" data-nimg="responsive" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;right:0;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0;border:none;margin:auto;display:block;width:0;height:0;min-width:100%;max-width:100%;min-height:100%;max-height:100%;object-fit:cover;object-position:50% 50%"/>

Tips and Tricks To Buy Diamonds Online

If you want to buy a diamond online rather than at a brick-and-mortar store, you’ll need to be well-informed. These...
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Orange Diamond Buying Guide – Orange Diamond or White Whale?Blue Nile</a>" src="" decoding="async" data-nimg="responsive" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;right:0;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0;border:none;margin:auto;display:block;width:0;height:0;min-width:100%;max-width:100%;min-height:100%;max-height:100%;object-fit:cover;object-position:50% 50%"/>

Orange Diamond Buying Guide – Orange Diamond or White Whale?

Though orange diamonds and yellow diamonds can claim similar causes of color, orange diamonds are  rarer than yellows. Since orange...
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Argyle Diamond Buying Guide – The Demise of a Great ArtistJames Allen</a>." src="" decoding="async" data-nimg="responsive" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;right:0;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0;border:none;margin:auto;display:block;width:0;height:0;min-width:100%;max-width:100%;min-height:100%;max-height:100%;object-fit:cover;object-position:50% 50%"/>

Argyle Diamond Buying Guide – The Demise of a Great Artist

Rio Tinto’s Argyle diamond mine, also known as the Argyle AK1 Pipe, is found in the north of the East...
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Green Diamond Buying Guide: Diamonds for the Elite Collector

Green Diamond Buying Guide: Diamonds for the Elite Collector

All gemstones and diamonds are rare to some degree. To be classified as a gemstone the material must be beautiful,...
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