opal detail - iLoupeopal detail - iLoupe

GemEx iLoupe Review

How does the GemEx iLoupe compare to a standard jeweler’s loupe? Our review tests the device and app, designed for smartphones and tablets.

9 Minute Read

Who is the GemEx iLoupe For?

The iLoupe is intended for use with the app developed by GemEx, available on the Google Play Store for Google and Android devices and the App Store for Apple devices.

GemEx markets the device primarily to jewelers to help with diamond sales presentations. Potentially, the iLoupe can facilitate an interactive experience when discussing clarity characteristics, faceting details, damage patterns, and laser inscriptions on diamonds and gemstones. GemEx also markets the device to hobbyists who want to learn more about gems without breaking the bank.

The Phones and Tablets We Tested

We used the iLoupe device with an Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max, an Apple iPad Air (1st generation), and an Amazon Fire Tablet 10. Please note that the iLoupe app isn’t available through the Amazon App Center. However, using any other camera app, you can still use the iLoupe with these devices and others, not just Android and Apple devices.

The iLoupe device will only work if your phone or tablet has a camera on the same side as the screen. Most phones and tablets are designed this way, but some models may not be. 

iLoupe - gemstones
Gem materials used to test the iLoupe: moldavite,

Jake Talve-Goodman, GG

Jake Talve-Goodman GG serves the St. Louis, Missouri community as a gemologist, designer, and appraiser. His passion for gemstones and minerals began at an early age of 8 after finding a significant crystal specimen in the playground of his elementary school. After graduating from the Gemological Institute of America with the Graduate Gemologist designation, he spent years working for private boutique jewelers and inside of a gemological laboratory inspecting salvaged jewelry items for repair and resale from the insurance industry.

Today, Jake operates The Concierge Gemologist, a professional jewelry service that meets clients in the comfort of their own home, around their banker’s desk, or lawyer’s office. The Concierge Gemologist provides appraisals according to the standards defined by the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) to ensure the highest degree of service in the industry.

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