Kraftwerks Event 2004

The 2004 Kraftwerks was held in Ontario California at the Precious Metals West factory. There was a lot of past "Masters" from previous Kraftwerks events.

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The 2004 "Kraftwerks" was held in Ontario California at the Precious Metals West factory.

There were eight (8) Kraft Masters there from various specialties in the custom jewelry, lapidary and jewelry manufacturing trades. The Kraft Masters are all people that are very well known and considered at the top of their trade, what ever it is.

Note: There was also a lot of past "Masters" there from previous Kraftwerks events (including me). There was virtually the "who is who" of the industry there. If you had/have a question of any type about jewelry, metal, stones, and all other types of related technical information. There was probably at least one expert in the field there, usually several, that would be happy to answer your questions.

Here are articles on some of the Kraft Masters and just some interesting demonstrations that were done while I was there.

Black Jade carving by Jason Penn
Milling Platinum Sterling (925) - A New Alloy
Casting Platinum Sterling (925) - A New Alloy
Enameling by David C. Freda

Below are just some interesting pictures from the "set up" on Friday. These pictures should give you a decent idea of the sizes and scale of the event.

Above left - Long shot of the work space set up day.
Above right - Another long shot, note the cuticles to the right in the pictures. There are the stage areas where the lectures are given.

Above left - Set up day, deciding where to start. Arm wrestling to see who got the most space.
Above right - Close up of copper being refined.

Note: Food is included in the tickets to the Kraftwerks event and there was plenty of food and drink available. They barbecued roast beef, game hen, hot dogs, sausages, deli sandwiches, pizza, pasta, fruit platters had Crispy Cremes and muffins for breakfast among other things. So there was no reason to leave the event to eat.

For information on tickets and future events (like the 2004 event) call Daniel at PM West 1-800-999-7528

Precious Metals West
phone 1-800-999-7528

Jeff R. Graham

The late Jeff Graham was a prolific faceter, creator of many original faceting designs, and the author of several highly-regarded instructional faceting books such as Gram Faceting Designs.

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