Online Faceting Designs & Diagrams: Round Brilliant Dome #2

Information and guide on Faceting Designs. A Faceting Design Diagram by Jeff R. Graham that presents various cuts, this is the "Round Brilliant Dome #2".

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Round Brilliant Dome #2 by Jeff R. Graham

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Design 2007/2008 (for all of my customers)

Tourmalineback of stone

Item: Available
Material: Tourmaline
Type: Pale Pink/Peach (Bi Color, pink/orange center and yellow outside)
Locality: Africa, Nigeria
Hardness: 7.0 good for almost any jewelry application
Design: Shot (designed by Jeff R. Graham - Not Released)
Cut By: Jeff R. Graham
Dimensions: 11.7mm x 8.5mm deep
Clarity: IF
Weight: 7.15 carats
Price: $2,574.00 ($360/ct)
Treatments: Heat
Note: This stone is very unusual, the center is pink/orange and the outside as you can see in the picture of the pavilion is yellow. The 2 colors are like a bulls eye effect. Which gives the stone a pretty pink to orange with bright yellow highlights on the edges, depending on how the stone is viewed.

"Round Brilliant Dome #2" - Cutting Remarks

Here is an interesting cut. This is pretty easy to cut and it not that different than a regular round brilliant it is ideal for a less experienced cutter. The crown is where most of the differences are, as you can see it is domed for effect and it will also retain a fair amount of weight in the finished stone.

This design is intended to be cut in to a medium to a large stone (I would suggest 8mm or larger for the best effect. This works best in lightly saturated materials. Cut in refractive indexes 1.62 to 2.14 with no changes.

Note: On the cut stone in the picture, I elected to omit the P3 split facets… My stone was smaller and I felt there was plenty of sparkle with out the extra facets and the piece I cut was a bicolor so I did not want the extra facets to mix all the colors.

This design cuts a very lively, brilliant stone and it's both fast and interesting to cut. This design is great for faceters of about any experience level and I think will become a favorite of many people that cut it.

Enjoy cutting your "Round Brilliant Dome #2″… Drop me an email to let me know your results and what you've cut, or feel free to inquire if you have any questions or need some help regarding this design.

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Detailed faceting instructions by Jeff Graham available at The Rock Peddler

Jeff R. Graham

The late Jeff Graham was a prolific faceter, creator of many original faceting designs, and the author of several highly-regarded instructional faceting books such as Gram Faceting Designs.

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