Aqua Cisir cut - aquamarineAqua Cisir cut - aquamarine

Aqua Cisir: Online Faceting Designs and Diagrams

Jeff Graham’s Aqua Cisir cut is ideal for quartz and beryl gemstones and has exceptional flash and yield. Intermediate and professional-level faceters can cut this design quickly. Read on to learn more about the Aqua Cisir.



You can find cutting instructions for the Aqua Cisir here.

Cutting Remarks

In spite of the Aqua Cisir's simple appearance, this cut isn't intended for beginners. In terms of skill and technique requirements, I'd rate this design at about a 6 on a scale of 10.

Aqua Cisir cut - aquamarine
An approximately 7-ct, 9.5 x 19 mm Aqua Cisir, cut from a flawless aquamarine by Jeff Graham. The Aqua Cisir performs well with low RI materials like quartz and beryl.

The corners are designed to "float." If your L/W (length to width ratio) deviates somewhat from 2:1, it won't hurt anything. However, you'll have to make corresponding adjustments to the affected angles.

Depending on your skill and the accuracy of your machine, you might find the keel a little hard to meet. The long keel facets may also cause problems for novices due to chipping on the edges, especially with quartz.

This cut has exceptional flash and yield. For intermediate to professional faceters, this is a very fast design to cut.

Enjoy cutting your "Aqua Cisir."

Aqua Cisir - Array
Random - Cosine - ISO.

Detailed faceting instructions by Jeff Graham available at The Rock Peddler

Jeff R. Graham

The late Jeff Graham was a prolific faceter, creator of many original faceting designs, and the author of several highly-regarded instructional faceting books such as Gram Faceting Designs.

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